Diagnosing and Scanning

It's the very first and important part of whole process. Its not unlike other counselling sessions. We try to identify how an individual identifies himself towards finding a meaning in life as this is the primary motivational force. Many research in the past has shown that root cause of almost all the problems lies within our self. Unless we don’t identify that end of the cause we won't be on the path of healing.


Measure inner energy

facing all such hardships an individual develops negativity and frustration inside him. This negativity keeps piling up over the period and affects the overall energy and aura of that person. Before we go ahead, we need to know where an individual stands in terms of energy and aura. We can call it a base line, the point from we need to start. This is measure with modern device.


Understanding Thought Process

We try to work with a person how he approaches a specific situation, this tells us how he thinks about. The traversed path of our mind reflects a lot about our mental state. This helps in further recognizing the creases in individual’s mind. It also helps in making one’s mind more receptible to the healing process.


Sound Healing

Once the root cause of the problem is identified the sound healing process is started on the bases of spiritual and scientific model. The reason we call it spiritual and scientific cause it does involve an amalgamation of healing methods of spirituality and logical deduction (science). We use sound healing to work on an individual’s energy and aura with more than 50 methods.


Sustainable Inner Energy

The healing process increases the energy and aura of an induvial, but it is also important to maintain that level. The level of energy and aura is maintained by performing meditations and other activity. We make sure that suggested mediation is as per the level of energy of an individual. By practicing such meditation, he can maintain the energy level .


Follow Ups

Regular follow ups are as important as all the rest process is. Unless an individual is not performing meditation regularly and in the same way as suggested the desired results could be different. So we do take the feedbacks on regular interval till next 30 days. During this period, we ask the individual to change the course of meditation, progressively.

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